Good-Bye 2012

1.President Park

This is the biggest event of our nation. Who is going to be a president will make our life different by his or her pledge so I think this is really important. In 2012, Park is elected as the president of South Korea and sees the pledge of her that affects our society.

I chose this event for her welfare policy. I'm very worried about this for points of that we could be like Greece conducting retrenched finance. She says half tuition will be realized by government subsidies and there are other lots of welfare policy but these are the way to default.

Secondly I don't like her policy of military. This policy is a good example of populism. She just says shortening terms of military service for votes. If this policy is passed there will be big problem of national security. We and North Korea declared armistice and it doesn't mean termination of war. I think this part of pledge is needed to be changed.

Lately, the election of her means many things. She is the first woman president and it is the first time that a president is elected with over 50 percent of all voters. This is also important thing of choosing this event.

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2. Psy on youtube

Psy's music video reached one billion views on YouTube. He becomes very famous for this music video and earns lots of money. This is very meaningful because this is unusual Korean music is popular like this and I'm proud of Psy for going to U.S music market. I think more people are going to be interested in Korean culture from this event and this could bring many profit.

However I think our idol culture is needed to be changed because it impress they sell their sexual thing. They just have beauty, good appearance and dancing. Singers need to have ability of singing but they just make themselves products. I want good music not performances.

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3. Samsung in smartphone market

Samsung is the top brand in global cell phone business. This is for the first time in 14 years passing Nokia and apple is in third. Because I could enter Samsung Company this is very important to me and as Samsung is flourishing in many kinds of business, this will bring good result to our country. For example, many jobs will be created and salary will be increased. In 2011, occupation percent was similar between Samsung and Apple but gap is increased for years. This means Samsung's technology is more developed compared with Apple's. Therefore Samsung will beat apple in 2013 too.

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4. Territorial dispute Between China and Japan

There was big trouble between China and Japan for territorial problems. In China, many anti-Japanese people were participated in demonstration and they destroyed Japanese shops and cars.

In Asia, there are lots of territorial dispute including this event and South Korea also is not except. We are having territorial problem with Japan and China and this kind of demonstration can be real in our nation too. If this happened serious damages are expected in many part of business especially in cars and cell phone things. So we need to other nations' intervention because solutions cannot be drawn only in directly concerned groups. So I think national legalization is the best way to stop a national dispute. If not, more powerful country will win in their fight.

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5. Anipang boom

Anipang is released as a KakaoTalk game and this really hits in smart phone market. The number of people who play this game reaches almost 40 percent of South Koreans and two-thirds of all smart phone users. As a starting point, lots of smart phone game is being developed and Anipang boosts mobile game market growing. Experts say they need to develop more sophisticated game for growth in the long term.

Recently many people do phone games and I think this boom begin with Anipang so I chose this event for this reason. After this, Dragon flight, game of all and other many interesting game are released and this make us happy when we are bored. This kind of popular game also makes new culture and trend. The Angry Birds is a good example of this. We very enjoyed "the Angry birds" when it released and this really takes effects on our society and other angry birds products also sold like hotcakes. So I hope this will be the same things like angry birds.

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6. Doomsday

There were lots of doomsday predictions. Especially Christian predictions are known. That means 12 Dec 2012 prediction is not the first prediction of end of the world.

It could be the best gossip of 2012 of course and there were lots of news about this. Around me, there were no people who believe this prediction but there are lots of people who are shaken up by this news. Some made panic room to avoid chaos which might happen and even bought foodstuffs like canned and dried food and water.

We have spoken of Doomsday prediction for a joke like we are going to die in army and also there are friends who believe this shit like upper panic room guys. This new was good gossip and for a joke but it is not wise that you believe this and waste your time and money in useless things.

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7. N. Korea rocket

The new leader of N. Korea, Kim Jong-un launched rocket for test of long-range missile technology which is banned under UN resolutions but they consist the aim is to put a satellite into orbit to congratulate 100th anniversary of the birth of Kim Il-sung.

This is really big threat to East Asia because their real intention is test of long-range missiles. They keep demanding money and food support by threatening with their weapons. This situation will isolate them and be obstacle in unification. Our national security policy also will be affected by this and there were other things affect our security like "노크귀순".

Japan is another concerned country. Japan says that they will shoot it down if it threatened their territory because flight path is put on near the territory of Japan. This big impact is why I choose this event.

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8. Gas leak in Gumi

There was gas leak accident in Gumi. Gas is hydrofluoric acid and this affects on animal and people causing respiratory disease and nervous disorder. Police officers, fireman, journalists and many people who are in scene of accident are suffering this phenomenon of diseases.

I chose this because it shows how dangerous chemicals are and it is also my hometown.  I have studied biology things also the reason of this. When I firstly saw this article I was shocked about this is happened in my hometown and worried about my parents. Fortunately our parents were not related in this accident. Hydrofluoric acid is familiar to me because this is treated in my study frequently but I didn't know about danger of this. Sadly there were 5 dead people for this accident.

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9. Violent crime

Many violent crime were occurred in 2012. Especially 오원춘's case was really shockable to me in that he killed a woman and hackle her flesh and this event made lots of rumor about human flesh selling. There were other many hate crimes occurred in middle of town. Knife crimes accounted for much percent.

These crimes can occur around me and you so many people feared for these kinds of crimes and these criminals even did same things after they are released from prison but sentence is really short about violent crime in S. Korea. 오원춘 is sentenced to death at first but it changed as life imprisonment. This is so ridiculous killer is not sentenced to death. We have to ensure the rule of law written in Constitution. This will make people feel assured.

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10. Yeosu Expo

Yeosu expo was held from May 12 to Aug 12 in 2012 and there were lots of attractions. However there were also lots of complaints too. To enter the aquarium which is the main attraction of expo people wasted much time waiting in line but it is too hot to wait. Price of meals was also spoken for complaint. Amount of meals is too small comparing with price.

It could be happened but I think Yeosu city hall's arrangement was not good enough to hold expo. They expected lots of profit but just made big debt. They should not have rented stores for free for preparing that they don't satisfy expected profit also I don't understand why they gave many free tickets to their citizen and discounted so many entrance fee. This result many debt and now they can't redeem a national loan. We should let this be a good lesson to ourselves and make more national events for our cities and nation.

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11. Greek debt

I choose this because this is not only Greek problem but this will affect on global economic. They borrowed about 360 billion euros from all around world and they have to pay back all these with interest. The reason why they lend big money is if Greece declared default many nations which lend money before declaring cannot be payed back their money. This also will be damage on other nations.

This debt is from thoughtless welfare and this also has happened in our country too! Many elementary school students in Seoul eat free meals at school. By the way, why wealthy students also receive this fruit of welfare? The reason of this free meal welfare is just shame of receiving free meal caused of poverty. So many people agree with this ridiculous welfare because of sweet of free! This will make our country more confused like Greece but more and more people like this kind of welfare as shown in half price tuition fee policy. I think we should consider welfare is not free. 

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12. Ryu and LA Dodgers

Ryu became one of LA Dodgers family. He contributed to gold medal at the 2008 Beijing Olympics and showed his ability in World Baseball Classic. Left-hander is also his advantage.

I proud of entrance of MLB and I am a fan of his. When you see his playing you will like him too. Choo is also a player of MLB and I want Ryu to be famous in U.S like him. There was a famous player in major league once but he just remembered as public enemy of Texas and the best food fighter named "먹튀".

I chose this because I enjoy playing and watching the game but it is not 100 percent playing just "Catchball". Although I've never gone to stadium but I really impressed when Korea win gold medal at the Beijing Olympics and WBC.

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