2013년 1월 12일 토요일

Kurds rally

People hold posters of Sakine Cansiz, who was among three women found killed, during a demonstration Saturday in Paris.

Many Kurd gathered to demonstrate for murder of their women activists in France but there is still no clear evidence why somebody killed them. One of victims was famous for being a co-founder of the Kurdistan Workers' Party, or PKK. However PKK is labeled as a terrorist organization by Turkey, U.S and EU. This is what some people guess why this happened.

This kind of events is common in other countries. When two different groups met there must be conflicts for any reasons. In Korea there is parliament woman who is emigrated from different country. She is Jasmine Lee from Philippines. She is member of Korean assembly but she acts like Philippines and consists just for immigrants. This will make unnecessary conflicts and for these reasons I am skeptical about immigration a little bit.


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