2012년 12월 31일 월요일

Marry money

There are more women who demand man to have cars and a house. Therefore most men worry about marrying because it needs to borrow money from a bank to fit conditions. However, price of leasing a house has so increased that many men avoid marrying.

This is not happy if this happen to one of couples. I really think the most important thing in marriage is happiness cause they should live together very long time so you must not follow just money. However, this kind of convention has deeply settled down in our society. So it is hart to change and meet somebody who doesn't care about it. We really need to know about happy life and do not think money is happiness.

Source of Information :


pic from : http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2012/sep/24/moral-case-for-sex-before-marriage

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