2012년 12월 31일 월요일

Wind Power!

wind turbines california

There has been a subsidy for wind plant in US companies but this will end in 2013 because of financial deadlock. So energy companies are racing to make plants for last subsidy in 2012 and there are pros and cons about it.

I disagree with supporting wind companies but agree with need for new source of energy because the amount of fossil fuel is limited and price of it makes big effect on our economy. If fossil fuel is exhausted we have no power to use so new eco-friendly energy which is inexhaustible should be created in few years. These will big effect on our society and life.

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Avoid annoying things

Weather and mechanical delays are bound to occur. Be prepared to adjust your itinerary, just in case.

Airline delay and cancellation are really annoying you when you are in busy. Therefore you need to consider several things before using airline. You can make plan B of ways preparing unpredictable things like weather and choose dates you want. Also you can be compensated by asking about your delay and cancellation.

It's season of traveling. There are lots of people who go to travel abroad but I have seen few people who prepare many things as shown in article so it will be very useful information before you travel. It seems like important because if this happened all plans will have gone awry. So I think if you want to go abroad or plan to big traveling you should build up your experience concerning traveling and make your plan in detail.

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Green roofs

There are beautiful green roofs in Singapore. The first one is at Nanyang Technological University and second one is marina barrage. These green grass roofs can reduce costs of cooling system and government pushes ahead this green project at buildings in Singapore.

I like this eco-friendly project because it looks so cool. Besides, it will bring money reduction in cooling system. Its design is so good that many people can take a rest and play like when in a park also If this project is distributed in whole wide world it takes really good effect on environment. This is a example of 일석이조.

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pic from : http://inhabitat.com/amazing-green-roof-art-school-in-singapore/

Marry money

There are more women who demand man to have cars and a house. Therefore most men worry about marrying because it needs to borrow money from a bank to fit conditions. However, price of leasing a house has so increased that many men avoid marrying.

This is not happy if this happen to one of couples. I really think the most important thing in marriage is happiness cause they should live together very long time so you must not follow just money. However, this kind of convention has deeply settled down in our society. So it is hart to change and meet somebody who doesn't care about it. We really need to know about happy life and do not think money is happiness.

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pic from : http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2012/sep/24/moral-case-for-sex-before-marriage

Regulation of large market

New compromise is come out to protect bazaars by regulating opening time of super supermarkets. New regulation time is from 12 a.m to 10 a.m and they have to close two times in a month.

This new regulation will be good effect of activating bazaars a little bit but it is not certain that it will be effective. I will feel inconvenience if a market is close when I want to buy something also I think time regulation will be not useful because the number of people who are shopping on that time might be low. So other solution is needed for bazaars something like union of bazaars.

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pic from : http://www.gifbin.com/984587

2012년 12월 30일 일요일

Gun regulation

After massacre was happened in children, many people oppose using gun. There are about 300 million guns in States and also about same amount of people lives in there. So some people are skeptical about gun regulation because there are already too many guns to solve fundamental problem of gun accidents.

To relieve fear of citizen it will be the best way to take all kinds of guns except part of police department and military force but there are lots of activated black market and guns that people have. So I think tooth for tooth eye for eye is not bad for this. As shown in this particle, the biggest problem is amount of guns in society. Nobody cannot count these and block not to be sold. Therefore the only way to protect themselves for innocent people is being able to shooting offenders. Although this opinion is the way that NRA claims to sell their guns but rationally there is no way to cut gun's circulation.

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pic from : http://sbgswordforum.proboards.com/index.cgi?action=display&board=forumcafe&thread=936&page=11

Listing Samsung

There was new article about Samsung. "Samsung Should Come to NYSE or Nasdaq" is written by Seeking Alpha. They said Samsung is underestimated and if this is happened Samsung could raise their value and make more profit. They also praise stability when it was in global recession.

I think this is a good example of importance of large company but there are so many people in South Korea who are negative about company like Samsung. They just complain that Samsung pay less tax comparing with others in advanced country like States and Europe. They just want more profit what they receive when large companies pay more money to government. However our GDP is not the level that can satisfy them. Raising taxes is able to cause companies even leave our country. So I want them see optimistic phase of thing that many large companies bring.

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pic from : http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=samsunglions&no=3262221

Cheating in selling beer

Korea consumer agency investigated 90 pubs' real amount of beer people ordered. Different from written in menu, actual amount of beer is lower by 13 to 23 percent also there is little difference in price per volume between 500cc and 2000cc. Because of this case supplier of beer is providing new container that is marked to show how much beer is remained.

This is glad to me because i like to drink beer and frequently go pub. Also we can enjoy more drunken time with same price of beer cause we can drink more. I think our Jimmy who looks always drunken is the most happy man for this news! However I want a system which can restrict kinds of these illegal things. For example making department which people can complain to will be useful.

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Shoving to the tracks

A woman pushed a man on to the tracks. She said that she hates Hindus and Muslims since the twin towers had been hit and the victim came from India. A witness said she was pacing and muttering to herself. So she may have had psychological problem.

It is not a problem about mental disorder or racial things. There was no safety facility to save him. Everybody knows if there was problem child something might happen. The persons should have set some safety bar or door before this happened.

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Anti-smoking ad


In article, 15 cigarettes is enough to cause a mutation and this will be cancerous tumor. To alert this riskiness of smoking cigarette, new Department of Health makes television advertisement which describe forming tumor by smoking cigarette. Also they say smokers underestimate effect of smoking and think anti-smoking ads are exaggerated.

I somewhat agree with this article but there is no good effect of smoking. Price of cigarette has high rate of tax. So government can earn money for selling many cigarettes and this money can be used for convenience of people or other necessary things. Eventually it can contribute to employment. High amount of selling cigarette means extension of cigarette business which would hire more workers so only expressing bad effects of smoking goes against equity.

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2012년 12월 26일 수요일

Barack Obama win re-election.

Obama has been re-elected by beating Romney as winning 303 electoral votes to Mr. Romney's 206(A final result is 332 electoral votes to 206). Although he couldn't raise rate of employment and economic growth, people chose him again for rescuing car industry and killing Osama Bin Laden. Sorry to hear, Mr. Romney who lost to Obama blew up astronomical money which has been spent for advertising.

This re-election will be helpful in phase of Obama is pro-Korea president. You can know this by finding out his speaking about South Korea. He praise our enthusiastic education and explosive increasing of economic growth also South Korea and U.S.A are in alliance ,especially part of military, making lots of conventions like FTA. President election of Korean Republican would make good effect on alliance because she is in pro-U.S political party.

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picture from 9gag.com

2012년 12월 25일 화요일

2012 London Olympics

2010 Summer Olympics was held in London between 27 July and 12 August 2012. There are approximately 4,700 medals on this event and around 10,500 athletes from 204 different countries participated in 29 sports divided into 39 disciplines. Top 10 of the 2012 Summer Olympics can be seen as below table.
Top ten of the 2012 Summer Olympics medal table[369]
 Rank NOCGoldSilverBronzeTotal
1 United States (USA)462929104
2 China (CHN)38272388
3 Great Britain (GBR)*29171965
4 Russia (RUS)24263282
5 South Korea (KOR)138728
6 Germany (GER)11191444
7 France (FRA)11111234
8 Italy (ITA)891128
9 Hungary (HUN)84618
10 Australia (AUS)7161235
Total (85 NOCs)302304356962

In this game, 32 new world records are renewed in 8 sports. Opening and closing ceremonies are successfully finished by Danny Boyle who is Oscar-winning director with popular celebrities.

I think these kinds of events are really helpful to our country. Because even if we have other spectacle attraction, just hosting events can gather so many people who will gladly pay for tour. So we have to prepare facility, institution and system to hold kinds of these beneficial events. Supporting athletic association also can be helpful.

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Optical isomer is named for effect plane of polarization. When polarized light passes through organic matter, plane rotates. This organic matter is one or mixture of enantiomers.

If there is a symmetry plane at the central carbon atom this molecular has no enantiomer and has no chirality. That means it is not optical isomer, either. So it needs to have a central carbon atom attached four different group. Then, the molecular can have non-superimosable mirror image which is the other one of enantiomers.

However it could be very dangerous when they are medicine and toxic substance each other. There is a example, "Thalidomide". This has ability to relieve symptom of morning sickness but isomer makes deformed children. Many Thalidomide was sold for migration but it had so serious side effect to kill lot of baby. Therefore their apology is not enough to be forgiven.

In my opinion, it should not be permitted as a medicine if one optical isomer had side effects. Although we have technique to separate two isomers into one it has potency to change in many different environments especially in our body. So we have to set laws to obstruct these matters to be permitted.

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Company: GlaxoSmithKline
Approval Status: Approved July 1999
Treatment for: Immunology/Infectious Diseases
Areas: Immune System

Relenza(Zanamivir for inhalation) is a medicine for influenza A(H1N1). Different from other oral medication, patient should inhale this using orally activated device "Diskhaler". It can be prevented by taking Relenza before symptom of the influenza appears.

Relenza conducts as the neuraminidase inhibitors. Neuraminidase is a kind of enzyme which helps viruses to leave a cell after duplication. Leaving a cell is important to duplication for reproduction. Relenza cures influenza by breaking this down.

Associated with virus, there was a boy who died from virus. It is big news because he was healthy enough to be baseball player. Thus news says vaccine is recommended not to make this again. But I think this kind of medicine which is about virus isn't necessary because virus doesn't exist as same shape after reproducing. It means we cannot make all kind of vaccine fit with virus. So I just recommend you to avoid unsanitary places, animals and so on. It also helps to wash your hands frequently.

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Stem Cells


Stem cell is a kind of cells that can be differentiated into specialized cells and has indefinitely self-renewable properties. Stem cells are made up of two main groups.

First thing is embryonic stem cell which can be seen during the blastocyst phase of embryological development and second one is adult stem cell. These are characterized in phase of potency to be divided into different cell types.

Adult stem cells have the ability to differentiate into a closely related family of cells. Dividing into red and white blood cells of platelets can be example of this. Embryonic stem cells are totipoten or pluripotent. It means that these cells have ability to differentiate into all or almost all types of cells because embryonic stem cells are formed from zygote which can be structure of adult organism. However, there is controversy because extracting embryonic stem cells from zygote needs the destruction of a human blastocyst which can be a man.

So there is a way to resolve this problem by making embryonic stem cells using adult cells that is not one of stem cells. Inserting appropriate DNA can turn adult cells back as early phase of cell development. This means disease can be cured by replacing damaged tissue with just your skin tissue. This method of making embryonic stem cells is created by John Gurdon and Yamanaka who are professor of Cambridge and Kyoto University and got the Novel Prize for this achievement.

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