2013년 1월 13일 일요일

고영욱 present dog collar

고영욱 would give dog collar to his dead dog by being arrested for sexual molestation. Officially there are two girl 18 and 13 years old. He enticed girls by telling he can make them singers. Above this there were many other sexual crimes in 2012 and they might have pedophilia including 고영욱.

Sexual crimes could happen around you and your relatives could be target of the offenders. We will be very angry if your family member is associated in this kind of case but offender's penalty is lighter than you thought. Actually the penalty of child sex offender was really light. Our government should strictly sentence when it is about child sex abuse to make us think we live in just society.



Part time jobs

There is minimum wages to give to their employee and extra pay for night working. However, some people who worked at convenience store have not been paid proper wage by managers and there even was collusion to fix employee's salary. To solve this problem you can send a certification of contents to the shop manager and you can get a information in employment department.

Many university students get a part time job during winter vacation and I will do that too soon so this news would be useful to me and you. Especially it is important to me because I don't receive allowance and I completely depend on this by earning in summer and winter vacation. To prevent this situation happened we all should claim our rights to receive proper pay.



Not only googling

Google has $200 million stake in wind power plant. They get their 90% revenue from search but there are other sources of money. They have invested over $1 billion in renewable energy.

This is good model of how we go in energy field. Running short of oil can be the most serious problem of ours. However in our country, it is not good to make renewable plants because there isn't appropriate environment. Therefore we should invent new material to replace fossil fuel and I hope many companies and government invest for this new energy.



2013년 1월 12일 토요일

Kurds rally

People hold posters of Sakine Cansiz, who was among three women found killed, during a demonstration Saturday in Paris.

Many Kurd gathered to demonstrate for murder of their women activists in France but there is still no clear evidence why somebody killed them. One of victims was famous for being a co-founder of the Kurdistan Workers' Party, or PKK. However PKK is labeled as a terrorist organization by Turkey, U.S and EU. This is what some people guess why this happened.

This kind of events is common in other countries. When two different groups met there must be conflicts for any reasons. In Korea there is parliament woman who is emigrated from different country. She is Jasmine Lee from Philippines. She is member of Korean assembly but she acts like Philippines and consists just for immigrants. This will make unnecessary conflicts and for these reasons I am skeptical about immigration a little bit.


Gun again

Authorities say teacher Ryan Heber helped talk the gunman into handing over his weapon.

There was gun accident in school again. 16 years student had a gun and shot a boy. Ryan Heber, teacher of science was trying to persuade him next to wounded student.

Again gun accident was happened. I think this is a good example of why we do not legalize having a gun. It will be very difficult to block the circulation of guns if these already distributed. Shotgun man will be charged for attempting murder and could be charged as an adult. This is what we should emulate. In S. Korea, if offender is minor, penalty will reduced but in U.S they can be treated as an adult. This can help to reduce the amount of violent crimes happened by minors.


2012년 12월 31일 월요일

Wind Power!

wind turbines california

There has been a subsidy for wind plant in US companies but this will end in 2013 because of financial deadlock. So energy companies are racing to make plants for last subsidy in 2012 and there are pros and cons about it.

I disagree with supporting wind companies but agree with need for new source of energy because the amount of fossil fuel is limited and price of it makes big effect on our economy. If fossil fuel is exhausted we have no power to use so new eco-friendly energy which is inexhaustible should be created in few years. These will big effect on our society and life.

Source of Information :


Avoid annoying things

Weather and mechanical delays are bound to occur. Be prepared to adjust your itinerary, just in case.

Airline delay and cancellation are really annoying you when you are in busy. Therefore you need to consider several things before using airline. You can make plan B of ways preparing unpredictable things like weather and choose dates you want. Also you can be compensated by asking about your delay and cancellation.

It's season of traveling. There are lots of people who go to travel abroad but I have seen few people who prepare many things as shown in article so it will be very useful information before you travel. It seems like important because if this happened all plans will have gone awry. So I think if you want to go abroad or plan to big traveling you should build up your experience concerning traveling and make your plan in detail.

Sources of Informations :
